A list of vegetables which are the Dog Friendly Vegetables

If you are a dog owner, you may be eager to know about the dog friendly vegetables. Though fruits and vegetables are the food for human, they can be the occasional food for the dog. When you take vegetables, your dog can like to eat it. But all the vegetables are not safe for the dogs. There are some vegetables which contain a lot of vitamins and minerals and are safe for your dog. So, you can allow the safe vegetables to your dog. Besides, the vegetables with low calories and high fiber are good for the digestion of your dog.

Why you feed vegetables to your dog

We know that the main dog food such as meats is enough for the dog. Dog gets full nutrients from meats and other dog foods. Besides, the mouth and teeth of the dog are not good to chew the vegetables. But, of course, vegetables are sometimes good for the health of the dog. You can add vegetables to your dog’s food list as a diet because vegetables balance the acidity and alkalinity of the dog. As an example, meat contains proteins which make the body acidic. But some vegetables increase the alkali.

Dog Friendly Vegetables

The raw vegetables provide the vitamins such as vitamin B, C, A, E, K which are good for the health of the dog. Besides, the minerals, water, omega-3, enzymes are also found in vegetables which keep the dog healthy and prevent some serious diseases. So, you can feed some vegetables which are the dog friendly vegetables.

Dog friendly vegetables

All the vegetables are not safe for your dog because vegetables are not the main food for your dog. Some of them can cause diarrhea, digestive problems and some other harm. So, you can try the safe vegetables with the safe amount to your dog. Now I am describing the vegetables which are safe for your dog.



Your dog can eat potatoes. You can give potatoes to your dog only after cooking it because the raw potatoes can cause stomach damage. At first, wash the potato with clean water. Then remove the peels of the potato. Now cut them into a narrow slice and then cook or bake them properly. You should avoid the mashed potato. You can coat the slices with olive oil and then put them on a baking sheet. Now take the sheet into the oven and cook for 20 minutes.  I think your dog will love it. Moreover, you can give 1 or 2 wedges potato to your dog.  Potato contains vitamins, potassium, magnesium, etc.



The dog does not need such amount of vegetables like a human. But certain vegetables are good for the dog and you can occasionally give him. Broccoli contains high fiber and vitamin C. Besides, it contains low fat. So, it can be a good treat for your dog. But it also contains some harmful ingredients. Broccoli contains isothiocyanates which can cause the gastric irritation to the dog. You can give broccoli less than 10 percent of the daily food. A dog can eat broccoli both the cooked or raw. Do not add oil or other seasoning because they are not good for the heath of the dog.



Yes, you can give cucumbers to your dog. It is good for the dog which gets overweight. Cucumbers contain very low amount of carbohydrates and fat. But cucumbers also contain a good amount of vitamins such as K, C, B, magnesium, biotin, and others. To give cucumbers to your dog, wash them properly and remove the seeds. Cut into small pieces. Then keep the pieces into the boiled water for five minutes. But you can give only 1 to 2 pieces as the bite size.



Carrot is the vegetables of vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, K and also the C. Besides, it contains fiber and potassium. Chewing of carrot will help your dog to improve the dental health. You can give the raw and cooked carrot to your dog. Cut the carrot into small pieces and then give them to your dog. You should take the advice from a vet how many carrots you can allow to your dog. If you give too much carrot to your dog, it will harm the digestive system. Besides, you should check the poop in the morning. If you see any chunks of carrot then do not give him the raw carrot.




Celery is the vegetables which are safe for the dog. It is also a weight-loss treat for the dog. It is very low in fat. Besides, it is the excellent source of vitamins A, K, C and fiber, potassium, etc. your dog will love this crunchy vegetable. You can give 10 percent celery to your dog. You can give a small amount of celery daily basis. Celery can cause the choking hazard for the small dog. So, as celery is good for the dog, you can give your dog it as the best treat.

Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes

You can give your dog the sweet potatoes. It is a great source of fiber, vitamins, beta-carotene, etc. To give your dog sweet potatoes, wash them, cook for sometimes and then give them to your dog. Do not give them the raw potatoes. Sweet potatoes are more nutrients then the white potatoes. Besides, it is good for the dog who has high blood pressure.

Green Beans

Green Beans

It is one of the dog friendly vegetables. Green beans contain a good amount of fiber, vitamin A, C, K and also manganese. So, it is good for the digestive system of your dog. So, you can give your dog a few amount of green beans occasionally. Besides, you can give it daily if your dog like it and can digest it properly.

We like fruits and vegetables. But in the case of a dog, all fruits and vegetables are not allowed. Besides, you should give the dog friendly vegetables to your dog a small portion. The dog needs not the vegetables. But some vegetables are good for the diet of your dog. So, occasionally give your dog the describing vegetables.

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